First In

Tennis keeps so many fit and connected. It’s both a skill and an art. You can play it when you are young and when you are old. You can even have physical maladies which prevent you from running, but allow you to cover the court, slicing and dicing, hitting them where they ain’t. It has lines that never change and rules, except for the scoring, which are easy to learn. The net, old mr. net, the nemesis hangs tautly to control height and distance.


Sometimes, people make rules up, to make the game more friendly. First serve in to start a game the first time around. But the ball only gets to bounce one time, has to go over or around the net and it cannot be outside the lines.

We worry that jobs won’t be coming back. Maybe tennis won’t either. We feel for our friends whose livelihoods depend on maintaining the courts, the schedules and the skills. Who knows? But can you name another game where the person with no points says they are at Luv?