Born To Live

Well, I am putting on some weight and building muscle. Not much cooperation from my body which has sprung a hernia (operation scheduled for January 13, 2025). Lots of doctors still on the list and not a lot of options. Have adjusted to the new cancer meds and my blood has been storing oxygen. Go Hemo, Go!

So, I keep walking and talking. Put here to live and then die. Walk and talk. No need to worry about what the future holds. The sands on the hour glass trickle at an excruciating rate, which, for me, is just fine. More time to do what I do and more time to play with Sharon.

Bok Choy

So, last night as I prepared dinner, I noticed how beautiful the Bok Choy looked. Slated for a stir-fry to accompany lamb chops, baked potato, and creamed spinach, I decided to take a picture of it and then cook it.

Alas, I got the shot ready by putting the Bok Choy on a stand and left the kitchen to grab a camera. During the trip, I forgot about the shoot and went on with the rest of the meal prep. Its write-offable as a senior moment or pills + a glass of sparkling wine.

Upon arising this AM, there on the kitchen counter, stood the noble Bok Choy.. Its expression? What happened to the fridge, it asked, throwing up its arms, looking for divine help.

Me? Not a believer in my own prayers helping out. I just looked for someone to blame. May it taste as good tonight with dinner.

Sunday Stroll at Arthur Marshall

So, it’s Sunday and time for a stroll in our swamp at Arthur Marshall – Loxahatchee. Vegetation closing for the winter, slowly.

Hard to slip around unnoticed. Spies hide out in the trees.

Leaf droop, unfit for a king, but good enough for us.




Field of Flowers

Flower arrangers glow like their flowers. How can I make a still life, living out my Van Gogh fantasy if I don’t go to flower stores. And once there, I am always challenged by whether I should take a shot of the flowers or one of the women who lovingly construct the arrangements.

As I walked up to deliver his photo, Kevin walked out of the store and welcomed me, “Mr. Duck, the photographer.” I’m honored he remembered me.

I bought this flower and forgot to ask its name – Damn. The flower lady told me to clip it everyday and it will open. We will SEE.

I can never resist having sunflowers around. Always makes me think of Van Gogh. Sharon got me the vase, featured here for an I Love You Gift. Don’t forget that everyday is Valentines Day.