Category: photography
Good For Me
So, my Father, Lenny, died at 54. I am 70, almost 71. We both had tough lives. He died of leukemia and so will I. Had a nephew who died of it, also. No one knows if lymphoma is hereditary. It doesn’t go away and it cannot be cured. Sharon is never going to give up on me. I won’t die unloved or alone.
Len Duckman Died 55 Years Ago
My Father died on Father’s day June 16, 1963. I was 7 when we learned he was sick and 15 when he died. Hard to celebrate and difficult to discuss.
He died before he was supposed to, only 54. He wouldn’t talk to me about it, except to say he was dying from Leukemia. That’s the way it was in 1963.
I lit a yahrzeit candle for him. I know no one else did. The family had long since stopped being a family. So it goes. So it goes.