Never came to grips with his sickness or his death. Now I have it, though not the acute kind that killed him. I didn’t know the man in this image and he didn’t know me. I will never know how I lost my childhood or adulthood.
Category: photography
Loxahatchee Look
Battery Burlington VT
I have been taking Imbruvica for one year. I have not been sick, though I cannot say I have been well, either. But I am still alive and have not caught any diseases or had a cold. How long will it keep working? Will I have a relapse or go into remission. Tomorrow, the Cancer Doctor. I like seeing him. It’s the sitting in the waiting room that I cannot deal with.
Cora Duckman, Mother’s Day
Keith Dunlop, Valencia Reserve Tennis Pro
So what is Keith thinking? He is a veteran pro, known for being a teacher, player and tournament director (Turkey Bowl Tennis Tournament). He deals with over 55’s with aplomb and a good sense of humor. He could be wondering if there should be an age limit on players or whether running should be a precondition to signing up for tennis time. He is more probably wondering if the courts will be safe to play on after a short, but heavy rain.
Sharon’s Eames Chair
Garden of Eden Surveillance
Who could have known that a reporter witnessed the exchange of the apple and the sex? Only the reporter knows the truth. Believe as you will, my source tells me that the serpent remained a bystander. Adam did not create Eve. She knew Adam was knowledge resistant. Wanting a better life for her and their kids, she made him partake of the tree of knowledge and then shared the apple and her womanly body with him. This version is not in Genesis, for good reasons. And God, assuming there is one, didn’t punish anyone for wanting to know more and fear less.