Morikami Gardens Return

Art Jacoby, my photo buddy, and I returned to Morikami for a walk which we had not taken together since I got sick in March. I got some of my usual shots, as did he. And I made it around.

There is always a group that wants a picture. They asked Art, because, as one said, he has the bigger camera. I love group shots. Set up my own shot, shot and gave the group leader a card. We will see if he contacts me.

The gardens are not in full bloom, because even Florida has winter, leaving fewer places to hide. Paredeolia runs rampant in that place.

Just enough places to take a brief nap, though, amidst the trees and falls.



Liz Duckman

My cousin Liz just moved to an assisted living facility near us. We visited today, exchanged some health information and conversated. We were happy when we left, because we knew she was safer than when she lived by herself.

Just cannot do anything except be there, give her a little love and attention.

Della the cat, seen here getting ready to paw a shoe, keeps her company.

Bromeliad Imperialis, Dead

Lost a favored plant yesterday, a Bromeliad Imperialis. Very sad. It graced our simple, humble garden, providing class and style. No post mortem, yet, could have been water or insects. Doesn’t matter why; just too bad we lost it.

So, these bromeliads just sit where we place them.  They are from the air plant family, too big for household entertainment. Some of their beauty lies hidden within, protected by layers of leaves. The flower once. In the end, bromeliads sometimes kill themselves trying to multiply, leaving a legacy, but no history. They are indigenous to Florida, withstanding the changes in weather and temperature, while lending exotic flavors to outdoor spaces.

Our gardner, Richard King who designed our simple plot with Sharon, lost one too, recently. We both will be finding replacements.


So, last night Argus visited me during sleep. He never closes his eyes, looking into the future and remembering the past. Both for me seem pretty scary.

I have never gained control over the remnants of my past trauma or regained any sense I had control over the smashup that stole my career and adulthood. Even my understanding wife has had a tough time living with it. So it goes.

The future remains dim, too, now that I face a multitude of physical problems: blood, skin and spine being the most pressing. But I forage on, trying as I might try to live in the present, always valueing what I have, rather than what I lost which will never again be within my reach. No more dreams or long range plans.

Florida is the kind of place where many leave behind their real lives.


Ron Baraz, Valencia Reserve Neighbor

I see many people walking past my house in Valencia Reserve whom I don’t know. The other night, as I looked at a full moon shining through the trees, a man walked by. Compositionally, he made the frame. Three shots. Moon moved. He moved. I needed to adjust the exposure. I got it.

What’s your name, I asked. Ronnie, I live at 9163, around the corner. Printed the image. Put in his mailbox after wiping it down with my card. He called to thank me. I don’t remember ever seeing him, other than as he drove by and he lives 4 houses away.

There may not be many positive things to say about living in lockdown.

Rick Scott Is A Danger To America


Republican Rick Scott is running for the Senate in Florida with Trump’s support against Democrat incumbent Bill Nelson. After the third mass shooting in Florida, he called for prayer as a means to end gun violence. Happily, after Parkland, we now have a three day waiting period and a background check. That’s a start, but how he thinks prayer is going to stop gun deaths escapes me. He had the same advice for stopping red and green algae from gumming up our shores: pray.

Gene Joyner’s Unbelievable Acres Botanical Gardens

Gene Joyner build a rain forest in West Palm Beach that few have visited. Called Unbelievable Acres Botanic Gardens, it is open to the public by appointment or on select tour dates. Featuring rare tropical fruits, foliage plants, flowers, trees and a host of other botanical creatures, many of which you have not seen. Running around are a host of  reptiles that love the heat and humidity, in addition to a bountiful supply of bugs. Its a treasure.

This leaf has a name. I cannot remember all Gene taught me. Years ago, he was the botanist for the State of Florida. This garden/rain forest was built from scratch, by him. You have never seen anything like it.